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Sunday, August 6, 2017

#5 Hsü (Xü) / Confident Waiting (Nourishment) & #6 Sung (Sòng) / Conflict (Dispute)

#5  – K’an (Water) over Ch’ien (Heaven)

Waiting for Nourishment

#6  – Ch’ien (Heaven) over K’an (Water)

Compromise after Dispute

Theme: A time for confident waiting.  A time of Dispute

Confident Waiting

Moisture rises up into Heaven.
Strong Heaven rises up and Guileless Water flows down.

It is a dangerous time – many elements are in flux.
Social unity is lacking due to fundamental differences of opinion – parties move in opposite directions.

What one needs is out of one’s control.
One who is convinced of being right encounters opposition that feels equally righteous.
Rains cannot be made to fall – mankind must patiently wait for nourishment from Heaven.
Forces move apart from each other symbolizing conflict.
When matters are not under anyone’s control – all must confidently wait while destiny proceeds.
Misunderstandings and outright conflict are likely if opposing parties insist on proceeding as planned.
Worry not – rather observe and face the facts while fortifying body and mind.
Public dispute through a mediator allows both parties to save face and meet halfway.
The creativity and strength of Heaven is held in check by dangerous and mysterious Water.
When the cunning nature of Water is confronted by the strength of Heaven, conflict ensues.
Nourish each other with cheer and reassurance while focusing on the present.
Postpone efforts to develop large-scale social programs that depend on the cooperation of diverse perspectives until a more opportune time.
Through heightened awareness, one will be prepared to strike when conditions change.
Cautiously yielding halfway leads to good fortune for both parties.
The Lines
Top Line
Faced with extreme difficulty one succumbs, but escape is possible if an unexpected ally is honored. 
One may now achieve victory but conflicts will be unending.
Being certain of one’s cause, it is possible to maintain serenity through inner cheerfulness during this respite from the ongoing struggle.
A powerful and just arbiter will settle the matter and bring supreme good fortune.
When in the center of chaos, stand fast and remain composed – confrontation will make matters worse.
While one is strong enough to win, because conflict is unjust one finds peace in acceptance.
A premature venture has left one in an unfavorable position open to attack – use extreme caution.
Relying on one’s inner worth rather than seeking after material possessions brings good fortune.
In times of trouble, disagreements can lead to gossip but slander is silenced by equanimity.
When engaged against a superior force, retreat is honorable and wise.
Bottom Line
The challenge is still remote – going about one’s normal business guards against wasting energy that will be needed later.
When in a weak position it is best to avoid the issue and thereby avoid the conflict.
#5 – Hsü (Xü) / Confident Waiting refers to a strategic and intentional approach to biding one’s time while a significant event, crisis, or danger occurs.  The pictogram symbolizes the heaven with a cloud and rain within along with the character for “and then” or “and yet” which together mean “need,” “want,” or “require” and signify the waiting for something critical.  To keep body and soul together we need food and drink and the critical ingredient of both is water from the heavens.  The lack of rains from the heaven has dire consequences for people.  As such, we must patiently wait for it to come.

However, this is not idle hoping.  There is inner certainty of achieving an end with purpose and there is the idea of standing up to one’s fate.  Inner security and unrelenting truthfulness allows one to endure and meet fate resolutely. Destiny is at work – don’t overreact.  Be patient with confidence and good cheer! 

Waiting for something critical can lead to conflict and disputes – thus what follows is Conflict.

#6. Sung (sòng) / Conflict

The pictogram for sung (today sòng) is the symbol for words or speech with the character meaning public, fair, or equitable.  Combined, they convey the intent to argue, litigate, dispute, or accuse.  Notice that these actions all involve the use of words and not physical contact.  In terms of social interactions, the conflict considered here is one of opposing opinions, beliefs, or ideologies.  The hope is that through advanced planning (so as to avoid the confrontation in the first place) or through mediation and arbitration with the aid of a mutually-respected third party, coming to blows can be avoided.  Compromise with the aid of a trusted and respected arbiter allows both parties to save face and achieve good fortune.

The hexagram, Conflict, seems apropos of America in the aftermath of the Trump election in 2017.  Two opposing entities, Democrats and Republicans, both feeling righteous and justified in their philosophical perspectives, are opposed to each other.  Unfortunately, no impartial and mutually-respected individual, organization, or other party has appeared to mediate and the parties have not met half way.  Mutual respect for the rule of law, the Constitution, and the office of the President has quelled the initial calls to Resist although President Trump’s continued criticisms of the Free Press; his dependence on lies, exaggeration, and salesmanship; and his abuse of the office for personal gain are quickly eroding that respect.  Hopefully the use of Collective Force (see #7) will not be needed and some respected religious leader, independent leader, or organization will intervene so as to enable conflict to halt midway for each party.   

Where there is conflict, a multitude is sure to gather so what follows is #7 – Collective Force.

#5 Hsü (Xü) / Waiting (Nourishment) 

#6 Sung (Sòng) / Conflict (Dispute)

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