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Saturday, November 2, 2013

#31 Hsien / Influence & #32 Hêng / Duration

#31 Hsien / Influence – Lake (Tui) over Kên (Mountain)
#32 Hêng / Duration – Thunder (Chên) over Wind (Sun)

#31 Influence:  Lake over Mountain
#32 Duration:  Thunder over Wind
Part II of the I Ching begins with hexagrams concerning courtship and marriage:
the foundations of all social relationships.

#31 Hsien
Influence (Wooing)
#32 Hêng
Lake (the youngest daughter) is wooed by Mountain (the youngest son).
Thunder (the eldest son) is joined with Wind (the eldest daughter) in a long-lasting union.
This hexagram represents the attraction between mates as the beginning of the most basic social unit – the family.
“The hexagram represents the institution of marriage as the enduring union of the sexes.” W/B p. 126
A great leader takes on an attitude of servitude so as to encourage people to approach for advice and guidance.  
Look within for traits that have endurance and consistency in your nature.  What are you dedicated to?
“Heaven and earth attract each other and thus all creatures come into being.” W/B, p. 123
While thunder and wind may be fleeting, their effects and the laws governing them are lasting.
Perseverance is the difference between seduction and courtship.  One’s willingness to be influenced attracts others and encourages an exchange of ideas.
While we grow and change, recurring social customs provide stability, continuity, order, and security for the family and community.
Subordinate yourself and free yourself of selfish motives – achieve a lasting relation, not a brief encounter.
Keep abreast of the times and evolve while following your inner directive - your central path.  
The mountain is stimulated by the moisture from the lake on its summit.
A cooperative relationship perpetuates itself – this is the continuing mystery of existence.
When the strong subordinates itself to the weak, hearts are influenced, creatures come into being, and the world attains peace.
Adherence to social order and custom provides a structure within which growth, maturation, and continuation of the whole occurs.
Taking a spouse brings good fortune.
Following through on what one is dedicated to brings success.   
The Lines
Top Line
Words alone have superficial influence.
Calm down.  Restlessness prevents thoroughness.  It is time to stop and take a breath.
Evaluate the depth of your conviction.  Where the root is sound, the ramifications are also sound. W/B, p. 544
One must adjust one’s approach and attitude to the times to achieve success.
Don’t hesitate – follow your heart.  Be open, honest, and consistent.
No matter the persistence, one will not catch a butterfly in a blizzard.  Be realistic.
Hold back, don’t yield abruptly to every master, achieve freedom through personal inhibition of desires.
Be centered – don’t succumb to moods of hope or fear.  Inconsistent behavior leads to humiliation.
“Wait quietly until one is impelled to action by a real influence.”
Avoid extremes – use just enough energy to achieve the objective.
Bottom Line
The idea is present but no movement has occurred.
Do not expect a deep and lasting relationship in the beginning.
In #31, the masculine places himself below the feminine in an attempt to woo and establish a lasting relationship.  If the masculine is subordinate to the feminine courtship may be sustained.  If the opposite occurs, the seduction will be short-lived. 

In #32, the feminine and the masculine achieve a long-lasting relationship that serves as the basis for continuation.  While the individuals will not endure, the spark of their union continues on from generation to generation.

#31 Hsien
Influence (Wooing)
#32 Hêng

1 comment:

  1. I like the comment you made in "The Lines, Top Line, #32, Duration: Calm down. Restlessness prevents thoroughness. It is time to stop and take a breath."

    that's very good advice that i wish i could follow. great at ideas and planning, lousy at execution and follow thru. thx! -a
