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Sunday, November 17, 2013

#29 K'an / The Abysmal & #30 Li / The Clinging

#29 K’an / The Abysmal – Water (K’an) over Water (K’an)
#30 Li / The Clinging – Fire (Li) over Fire (Li)

#29  The Abysmal: Water
#30 The Clinging:  Fire
Darkness and Danger - Brightness and Synergy

#29 K’an
The Abysmal / Water
#30 Li
The Clinging / Fire
Water doubled:  danger upon danger.
Fire doubled has no form but clings to the object being consumed.

Danger of mankind’s doing is present and one has become enveloped in its darkness.
A synergy occurs when the ability of two elements combined surpasses the individual.

There is a dependence upon and a clinging to another.  
Rather than avoid dangerous spots or plunges, water remains true to its nature and fills them in.
Given the right conditions, heat is dependent on fuel to sustain fire.  
Confront the danger, adhere to approved protocols, and keep moving.
Cooperative efforts enable both parties to achieve synergies that would not occur through individual effort.  
Attempt to transform a bad situation into something positive.  Remain sincere in your heart.
Recognize the limitations inherent in reality and harmonize your energies with the times.
By actively addressing and overcoming the challenge, water is able to flow on.
With sustained fire comes brightness – the repeated motion of which establishes time.
By remaining calm and behaving correctly, one passes through dangerous situations unharmed.
Inner clarity derived from one’s dependence on what is right brings enlightenment to the world.
In times of danger, if one remain true to oneself great inner development is possible.  Flirting with disaster can be invigorating!
By clinging to the forces of spiritual life, one’s psychic nature is transfigured and has influence on earth.
The Lines
Top Line
Having embraced the negative, now one is imprisoned in disorder.  One must wait for release.
Clearly identify and eradicate the root of the trouble without collateral damage.
Water need only reach the lowest point on the rim to flow - follow the path of least resistance.
An attitudinal change has occurred.  Rather than be consumed, one has been transformed through synergy.
Don’t dwell on ceremony – given the opportunity, take the simple and direct approach.
A shooting star may be briefly prominent but leave no lasting effects.  Don’t exhaust your energy with excessive displays.
Escape is not possible yet – patiently wait it out.
Cultivate yourself and accept your fate.  Linger not in revelry or lamentation.
First stay afloat, then calmly take baby steps to extricate yourself.
Avoid excess.  Be moderate in thought and action.
Bottom Line
One has lost the way and become accustomed to the negative.
Serious concentration is needed at the beginning when the seed of what is to follow is sewn.
These two hexagrams oppose and compliment each other.  In #29, one is enveloped in the darkness and danger caused by human actions that requires strength of character (virtue), patience, and fortitude to endure and overcome.  K’an is the soul shut within one’s body.  In #30, the synergistic interaction of two entities expands the scope of what can be achieved.  While each individual is limited by Earth’s realities, voluntary dependencies that are harmonious with nature help us to gain clarity and find our place in the world.  Li is nature in its radiance.

#29 K'an

#30 Li

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