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Monday, January 7, 2013

41 – Sun / Decrease

I Ching explorations – Part 41 of 64

Kên (Keeping Still, Mountain) over Tui (The Joyous, Lake)

Mt. Moran and Lake Moran - The Grand Tetons, Wyoming



Water evaporates from the lake, precipitates on the mountain, and the mountain vegetation is nourished.  This illustrates a time when the lowly are diminished for the benefit of those above.


The prosperity of the people is diminished for the benefit of those in control.  This results in an unstable situation unless the leaders act accordingly.


This is a time of material loss, sacrifice, and diminished communications that one is unable to change.  It shouldn’t be construed to be a “bad” thing – just another phase to experience that one should approach with the right attitude.



The lower trigram has been formed from Ch’ien.


has been decreased to form Tui.

At the same time, the decrease of the lower trigram is accompanied by an increase of the upper line in the upper trigram from K'un: 
to Kên:
The upper trigram (Mountain) is stubborn strength that can harden into anger.  The Lake is unchecked gaiety that can develop into uncontrolled passion.  To find balance, anger must be decreased by keeping still and passionate instincts must be curbed, as the lake prevents waters from overflowing.  The weight and gravity of the mountain holds the joyousness of the lake in check.  The result is a decreasing of the lower emotions (passions) and an enrichment of the higher aspects of the soul.


The hexagram is directed at showing how is it possible for this shift of wealth from below to above to occur without causing the source of wealth (e.g., the productivity of the people) to be permanently diminished.  A proper response from those in power would be to aid those who have been diminished in means to manage more frugally.  And, a proper response of those below would be to recognize that at times there is the need to make sacrifices.  In this situation, society should embrace frugality and work together to fulfill needs without being obsessed with elaborate and unnecessary consumption.  And, those above should use what has been received to ultimately benefit the people.


An individual in this situation is advised to accept the decline in circumstances and simplify one’s life accordingly:  curb passionate desires, economize, limit indulgences, and quell the anger that may accompany this change lifestyle.  One should not continue the pretense of more opulent times lest one lose touch with the lessons to be learned during this transitory stage.  Instead, scale personal relationships down to simpler issues and don’t feel ashamed.  Simplicity is what’s needed to provide inner strength for future undertakings.



Kên and Tui have been formed from the interaction of Ch’ien below being decreased to the benefit of K’un above.  Kên and Tui represent the youngest son and youngest daughter.  Combined, the two trigrams symbolize passions aroused but held in check   


The trust of the people will be increased if those above use what has been received from them for the benefit of the whole.  In this way, stability in trying times can be maintained.


Simplifying one’s life has benefits to one’s higher nature.  Success will be achieved through devotion and simplicity.  Having achieved a certain economy in the intensity of one’s emotions one will be prepared for the inevitable increase that follows.


1. Moderately help those above in need so as to maintain personal balance.
2. While humbled, maintain your dignity to provide true service of lasting value.
3. One finds a comrade but three will splinter.  Two achieve the proper balance.
4. Humbly diminish your shortcomings and friends will appear to help.
5. Modestly accept good fortune.
6. If one’s increase benefits others, supporters are attracted and increase furthers.  


This situation is in accordance with cosmic forces and is therefore unavoidable.  What is insufficient will be increased and what is excessive will inevitably be diminished, that is the natural order of things.  One should not be concerned about external appearances in times of decrease, but rather it is appropriate to decrease one’s passions and enrich the higher aspects of the soul.

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