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Sunday, January 27, 2013

39 Chien / Obstruction & 40 Hsieh / Deliverance

39 - Water over Mountain

40 - Thunder over Water

Theme:  Obstacles Present : Obstacles Removed

#39 Chien (Jian)
Obstruction (Difficulty)
#40 Hsieh (Jie)
Deliverance (Relief)
Flowing water (K’an) meets an obstacle in the form of a mountain (Kên).  It did not suddenly appear, but is inherent to the water’s path.
From thunderclouds (Chên) pours down rain (K’an) to relieve atmospheric tension.
In times of hardship, an organization needs a great leader, loyal officials, and unified people.
Now is the time to resolve or bypass complications of adverse social conditions.  
An obstacle that we’re incapable of overcoming alone appears in our path.
It is time to clear the air of personal emotional turmoil and adversity.
If the time is not right, keep still like the mountain till the time is right.
Difficulty in the lower trigram (K’an) stimulates the upper trigram (Chên) to action.
Do not turn and run from the challenge.  Join forces with friends of like mind to overcome it together.
The superior person forgives misdeeds that lead to difficulties, washes everything clean, and moves on.
Build up strength and align yourself with a strong leader - don’t blame others for obstructions, look within and seek to enrich and educate yourself.
Don’t overdo in the triumph over obstacles.  Return one’s affairs to the regular and intended pattern as soon as possible.
After a pause, water increases in volume and strength, eventually overcoming the obstacle.
The ground is cleared for new growth
If we pause and gather our comrades, obstacles will be overcome.
You may now successfully resolve complications caused by adverse social arrangements.  Solutions to political problems are no longer elusive
An obstacle that is overcome is good for self-development.  Overcoming inner conflicts often alleviates exterior troubles.
Anxiety and strife give way if one takes firm action.  One has a fresh start – past difficulties should resolve themselves.  Once one dispenses with the emotional ruts of past difficulties, one has an excellent opportunity for personal advancement
Bottom Line
Wait for an opportune time to face the challenge.
Difficulties begin to lessen.  Relax.
Duty calls – raise the sword!
Having focused inner strength on deliverance, one is fortified against evil.
Hold back for now and stay with those under your care
If once needy and now flush but one retains a needy attitude, disgrace.
Hold back for now and gather helpers for later
Stay distant from fools so true allies can come close.
When one is called in an emergency, friends will rally to help one succeed
Demonstrate earnestness by making a clean break from negative influences.
Top Line
Having overcome one’s own obstacles, one returns to rescue others
Forcibly remove negative influences.
This hexagram contains guidance for overcoming obstacles that are inherent in the path we have chosen.  Unless compelled by duty or emergency, one does well to not push forward into danger nor idly sitting by, but instead yield, acquire aid, understand the inner conflicts that strengthen this obstacle.
After hardship, relief follows.  In this situation, movement is necessary to surmount obstacles.  After a difficulty has been removed, return to a place of rest lest one’s indulgence creates new hardships.

I’d be interested to hear if you like this table format or if you prefer the prior narrative approach or the earlier dialogues.  Thanks for any feedback.

Happy 257th birthday (J. C.) Wolfgang (T. G. A.) Mozart!

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