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Sunday, January 27, 2013

39 Chien / Obstruction & 40 Hsieh / Deliverance

39 - Water over Mountain

40 - Thunder over Water

Theme:  Obstacles Present : Obstacles Removed

#39 Chien (Jian)
Obstruction (Difficulty)
#40 Hsieh (Jie)
Deliverance (Relief)
Flowing water (K’an) meets an obstacle in the form of a mountain (Kên).  It did not suddenly appear, but is inherent to the water’s path.
From thunderclouds (Chên) pours down rain (K’an) to relieve atmospheric tension.
In times of hardship, an organization needs a great leader, loyal officials, and unified people.
Now is the time to resolve or bypass complications of adverse social conditions.  
An obstacle that we’re incapable of overcoming alone appears in our path.
It is time to clear the air of personal emotional turmoil and adversity.
If the time is not right, keep still like the mountain till the time is right.
Difficulty in the lower trigram (K’an) stimulates the upper trigram (Chên) to action.
Do not turn and run from the challenge.  Join forces with friends of like mind to overcome it together.
The superior person forgives misdeeds that lead to difficulties, washes everything clean, and moves on.
Build up strength and align yourself with a strong leader - don’t blame others for obstructions, look within and seek to enrich and educate yourself.
Don’t overdo in the triumph over obstacles.  Return one’s affairs to the regular and intended pattern as soon as possible.
After a pause, water increases in volume and strength, eventually overcoming the obstacle.
The ground is cleared for new growth
If we pause and gather our comrades, obstacles will be overcome.
You may now successfully resolve complications caused by adverse social arrangements.  Solutions to political problems are no longer elusive
An obstacle that is overcome is good for self-development.  Overcoming inner conflicts often alleviates exterior troubles.
Anxiety and strife give way if one takes firm action.  One has a fresh start – past difficulties should resolve themselves.  Once one dispenses with the emotional ruts of past difficulties, one has an excellent opportunity for personal advancement
Bottom Line
Wait for an opportune time to face the challenge.
Difficulties begin to lessen.  Relax.
Duty calls – raise the sword!
Having focused inner strength on deliverance, one is fortified against evil.
Hold back for now and stay with those under your care
If once needy and now flush but one retains a needy attitude, disgrace.
Hold back for now and gather helpers for later
Stay distant from fools so true allies can come close.
When one is called in an emergency, friends will rally to help one succeed
Demonstrate earnestness by making a clean break from negative influences.
Top Line
Having overcome one’s own obstacles, one returns to rescue others
Forcibly remove negative influences.
This hexagram contains guidance for overcoming obstacles that are inherent in the path we have chosen.  Unless compelled by duty or emergency, one does well to not push forward into danger nor idly sitting by, but instead yield, acquire aid, understand the inner conflicts that strengthen this obstacle.
After hardship, relief follows.  In this situation, movement is necessary to surmount obstacles.  After a difficulty has been removed, return to a place of rest lest one’s indulgence creates new hardships.

I’d be interested to hear if you like this table format or if you prefer the prior narrative approach or the earlier dialogues.  Thanks for any feedback.

Happy 257th birthday (J. C.) Wolfgang (T. G. A.) Mozart!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rush Limbaugh Mocks Frightened Children

Ranting isn’t my thing.  I tend to focus on the positives in life rather than the negatives, but at times that can be a cop out.  “Always looking on the bright side of life,” as Eric Idle joked may enable us to cope with difficult aspects of life, but at times it is necessary to shine the harsh light of day upon the negatives and give them a close look.

Sure, I get as irritated as anyone by aggressive and inconsiderate drivers, disinterested store clerks, faceless call center attendants, and unfairness in the workplace.  My usual response to such behaviors is to grimace and bear it like most sane citizens, unless of course it’s a situation that I feel I have some ability to influence.  I’m not going to hop out of my car to confront a disrespectful fellow commuter (that could get you shot in this country) nor am I likely to enlighten an intractable clerk about the finer points of customer service (an important aspect of my job for nearly 27 years).  I have, however, talked with friends and loved ones about many vexing and troublesome aspects of life in 21st century America, voiced my dissatisfaction about situations in the workplace through effective channels, written to the editor of my local paper, and shared numerous points of constructive criticism via email with television networks.  The degree to which these actions have any bearing on subsequent behaviors is often difficult or impossible to gauge, but doing something feels good even when it’s uncertain that I’ve actually made a difference.

So, it’s with the understanding that several hundred words tossed into the seemingly infinite universe of the worldwide web are unlikely to find purchase in the minds of enough people to change anything that I humbly comment on the dreadful state of the gun laws in the United States of America.  If you seek an authoritative commentary on 221 years of Constitutional history tracing back to the origins of the Second Amendment, you won’t find it here (but here’s a link to get you started: Second-Amendment-History.  If you seek statistics to quote with friends and family about the rates of gun violence in the U.S. compared to other nations, details about America’s high gun ownership and homicide rates are just keystrokes away through your trusted browser (like this one:  US Gun Ownership Facts).  However, if you’re looking for another voice of outrage against conservative zealot Rush Limbaugh’s recent disgusting mockery of school children being frightened of getting shot, then I’m happy to oblige.

I can’t recall when I last observed something a callous, misguided, and pathetic.  During his January 15, 2013 show, he accused President Obama of using children as human shields and then went on to say: 

“He brings these kids, supposedly who wrote letters to the White House after Newtown… It’s going to be very difficult, very difficult to oppose it.  They got these little kids there, [and while pretending to cry and sob says,] they don’t want to die…( “How can you, how can you not listen to them? You’ve got to do something!”

If you haven’t heard it in context and you can stand the sight of him, here’s a link (scroll down to the Hardball interview):

For more criticism of Rush Limbaugh on this topic and many others, you may find this link to the Daily Kos and an entry by contributor Joan Mar of interest:

CBS New’s Bob Schieffer rightly described Sandy Hook as “probably the worst day in this country’s history since 9/11.”  Surely, even someone as apparently heartless as Limbaugh recognizes in hindsight that he crossed the line.  But, then again, he acknowledges that he always crosses the line of propriety, if he didn’t would he have an audience?  Would his many sponsors from AT&T to McDonalds to Wal-Mart continue to buy time if he wasn’t so controversial? 

Perhaps Mr. Limbaugh has done American’s a service.  Perhaps by crossing a line farther from our definition of civility than anything in recent shock jock history, he has helped to mobilize and galvanize the previously silent majority of caring, compassionate, cooperative who will now actually express their concerns, their wishes, and their demands for change.  Our society is full of cases where rules and regulations have been developed and implemented in response to accidents and catastrophes.  This will be different though.  Bob Schieffer believes that the impending battle with the gun lobby that has been reactivated by this event will be more formidable than defeating the Nazis (admittedly a rather extremist statement as well).  Mr. Schieffer’s full comments can be heard here:

While I don't agree with that comparison, I do agree that this is another turning point in our country's history.  I also agree with his statement that:  “Unless we figure out a way to make sure that something like Newtown never happens again, we’re not the country that we once were…”

So, what will you do?  You might start by finding out what radio stations broadcast his rants in your area:

Then you can find out who the local sponsors are here:

Finally, you can contact them and ask them not to support him.

You might also contact your elected officials and encourage them to support President Obama’s efforts to rein in this crisis.  I suspect we will hear specific remarks aimed at this problem in his inaugural address on January 21, 2013.  Hopefully he will dare us solve this problem as JFK put it, “…not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.”

With his leadership and the will of the people of this nation, I’m willing to look on the bright side that we can indeed be the country we once were.

What about you?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

6th 8 Recap

I Ching explorations – Interlude 3

Each pair in this set of 8 hexagrams contains hexagrams that are inversions of one another.  As I observed in the discussion of the 7th 8 (October 23, 2012) inversions don’t necessarily have inverted meanings, but in this set of 4 pairs, the meanings can be distilled to fairly clear complements, as discussed below.

The Decrease (41) of what is below supports what is above, and in turn, the Increase (42) of what is below follows from sacrifices made by those who are above.

41 - Decrease
42 - Increase
 We Break Through (43) by resolutely eradicating negative energies but when yin and yang Couple (44) a delicate balance must be reached.

43 - Break Through
44 - Coming to Meet (Couple)

Energies are Gathered Together (45) like the waters of a lake brimming with potential, while Pushing Upward (46) requires concentrated, slow, and steady effort.
45 - Gathering Together
46 - -Pushing Upward
Exhaustion (47) results from oppressive circumstances, while an inexhaustible supply of  replenishment awaits at The Well (48).
47 - Exhaustion
48 - The Well
To compress the ideas even further:

What Decreases (41) must inevitably Increase (42).
When Increasing (42) continues to excess there must be a Break Through (43).
After Breaking Through (43), one is bound to have an Encounter (44).
When we Encounter (44) others we Gather Together (45).
When we Gather Together (45) we eventually Push Upward (46).
If one Pushes Upward (46) without stopping, one will become Exhausted (47).
When one is Exhausted (47) by ascending, one returns to below to be Replenished (48).

Monday, January 7, 2013

41 – Sun / Decrease

I Ching explorations – Part 41 of 64

Kên (Keeping Still, Mountain) over Tui (The Joyous, Lake)

Mt. Moran and Lake Moran - The Grand Tetons, Wyoming



Water evaporates from the lake, precipitates on the mountain, and the mountain vegetation is nourished.  This illustrates a time when the lowly are diminished for the benefit of those above.


The prosperity of the people is diminished for the benefit of those in control.  This results in an unstable situation unless the leaders act accordingly.


This is a time of material loss, sacrifice, and diminished communications that one is unable to change.  It shouldn’t be construed to be a “bad” thing – just another phase to experience that one should approach with the right attitude.



The lower trigram has been formed from Ch’ien.


has been decreased to form Tui.

At the same time, the decrease of the lower trigram is accompanied by an increase of the upper line in the upper trigram from K'un: 
to Kên:
The upper trigram (Mountain) is stubborn strength that can harden into anger.  The Lake is unchecked gaiety that can develop into uncontrolled passion.  To find balance, anger must be decreased by keeping still and passionate instincts must be curbed, as the lake prevents waters from overflowing.  The weight and gravity of the mountain holds the joyousness of the lake in check.  The result is a decreasing of the lower emotions (passions) and an enrichment of the higher aspects of the soul.


The hexagram is directed at showing how is it possible for this shift of wealth from below to above to occur without causing the source of wealth (e.g., the productivity of the people) to be permanently diminished.  A proper response from those in power would be to aid those who have been diminished in means to manage more frugally.  And, a proper response of those below would be to recognize that at times there is the need to make sacrifices.  In this situation, society should embrace frugality and work together to fulfill needs without being obsessed with elaborate and unnecessary consumption.  And, those above should use what has been received to ultimately benefit the people.


An individual in this situation is advised to accept the decline in circumstances and simplify one’s life accordingly:  curb passionate desires, economize, limit indulgences, and quell the anger that may accompany this change lifestyle.  One should not continue the pretense of more opulent times lest one lose touch with the lessons to be learned during this transitory stage.  Instead, scale personal relationships down to simpler issues and don’t feel ashamed.  Simplicity is what’s needed to provide inner strength for future undertakings.



Kên and Tui have been formed from the interaction of Ch’ien below being decreased to the benefit of K’un above.  Kên and Tui represent the youngest son and youngest daughter.  Combined, the two trigrams symbolize passions aroused but held in check   


The trust of the people will be increased if those above use what has been received from them for the benefit of the whole.  In this way, stability in trying times can be maintained.


Simplifying one’s life has benefits to one’s higher nature.  Success will be achieved through devotion and simplicity.  Having achieved a certain economy in the intensity of one’s emotions one will be prepared for the inevitable increase that follows.


1. Moderately help those above in need so as to maintain personal balance.
2. While humbled, maintain your dignity to provide true service of lasting value.
3. One finds a comrade but three will splinter.  Two achieve the proper balance.
4. Humbly diminish your shortcomings and friends will appear to help.
5. Modestly accept good fortune.
6. If one’s increase benefits others, supporters are attracted and increase furthers.  


This situation is in accordance with cosmic forces and is therefore unavoidable.  What is insufficient will be increased and what is excessive will inevitably be diminished, that is the natural order of things.  One should not be concerned about external appearances in times of decrease, but rather it is appropriate to decrease one’s passions and enrich the higher aspects of the soul.