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Saturday, November 24, 2012

45 – Ts’ui / Gathering Together (Massing)

I Ching explorations - Part 45 of 64

Tui (Lake) over K’un (Earth)

Lake Superior

A couple interesting coincidences have occurred in association with the preparation of this post.  The first is simply that I started to compose it on Thanksgiving, a time when family and friends come together, especially in North America.  Had I desired to select a hexagram that would be most appropriate to write about at this time of year, it would probably have been Ts’ui, which as you’ll see is all about bringing people together.

The second coincidence concerns a sister hexagram to Ts’ui called Pi (#8 – Holding Together) that also depicts liquid over earth.  In Pi, it is Water instead of Lake over Earth, but both refer to people being drawn together.  Coincidentally, I have just started reading the novel, The Life of Pi, by Yann Martel.  I don’t know if the protagonist Pi will draw people together, which would be another coincidence, but he was named after a body of water, the Parisian Piscine Molitor swimming pool.

Piscine Molitor

A lake symbolizes the result of collecting something into one place.  This is not a random consequence but the conscious outcome of strong leadership as represented by the solid lines in the fourth and fifth places.  They represent people who are able to gather others together.  But, if the water rises above the earth, there is danger that it may spill out.  Similarly, strife may arise where people and their possessions are collected together.


“People desire to gather around a leader to whom they look up” (W/B).  But when they are in a large group, individuals are influenced by collective behavior.  A strong focal point provides a center around which the group can turn.  At times that focal point may be a lieutenant who effectively rallies and organizes people.  But when the true leader emerges, great deeds should be accomplished.  Still, precautions should be taken to prevent the water from spilling out.  Such gathering can be strengthened by instilling reverence for the unknown and for our ancestors through offerings and thanksgiving. 


Positive and negative outcomes are likely when people are gathered together.  Through collective moral forces, people can be united and achieve great achievements.  Americans chose to go to the moon, as JFK put it “…because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills…”  Americans were united around a strong leader and great things were achieved.

However, we are warned that whenever people and their possessions are massed together, unscrupulous types will take advantage of opportunities for personal gain.  By anticipating these negative consequences, we’re better able to prevent them:  “forewarned is forearmed.”


1. Sincerely seek the help of a leader to turn away distress when confused by the masses.
2. Trust in sincerity - let yourself be drawn together by inner relationships
3. When groups have formed, align yourself with one near the center and start anew
4. One who selflessly seeks unity for a higher purpose is crowned with success
5. Position when combined with sublime perseverance enables one to lead without regret
6. Lamenting an absent alliance demonstrates one’s desire and may produce results


Whether we have been misled by the masses and seek direction; are moved to join with others who have been motivated by a strong leader; are on the outside of a group looking in; are helping to bring people together in a common cause; happen to be that dynamic individual around whom others coalesce; or grieve over being left out – all are aspects of bringing people together - of clustering, massing, assembling, and organizing around a common feeling or goal.

1 comment:

  1. I got 45.2 changing to 47 when I asked the iching about reuniting with my ex girlfriend. I am guessing it was telling me to be present, persevere, and make sure I don't overdo it or else i'd become exhausted?

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.
