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Sunday, August 26, 2012

57 - Sun (Xun) - The Gentle (Proceeding Humbly)

I Ching explorations - Part 57 of 64

Professor:  Here again we encounter a doubled trigram, this time a yielding (yin) line beneath two firm (yang) lines.  AH translates Xun as an action – a proceeding and thus interprets it as “Proceeding Humbly.”  WB translates the hexagram as a doubling of the gentle penetrating wind or wood.

Student:  I understand the position of the yielding line beneath two firm lines as indicating a submissive or humble attitude, but where does the image of wind or wood come from?

P:  We’ll need to take a step deeper into the origins of the I Ching to offer an answer to that question.  According to legend, four images were developed from the possible combinations of the primal pair:  dark (yin - divided) and light (yang - solid lines):

The eight primary symbols (bagua) consisting of the addition of either a firm or yielding line to each of the four primal pairs.  According to WB’s translation of Shuo Kua’s Discussion of the Trigrams [Eighth Wing], the eight trigrams were devised before the Book of Changes (aka the I Ching).  The Sequence of Earlier Heaven or the Primal Arrangement was devised to pair up these eight primal forces:

            Heaven and earth determine the direction.  The forces of mountain and lake are united.  Thunder and wind arouse each other.  Water and fire do not combat each other.  Thus are the eight trigrams intermingled. (WB)

Adding a yielding (yin) line to the bottom of the double firm (yang) lines suggests a humble and submissive position, but one of persistent and gentle movement against the firm.  Thus, the image of a plant gradually pushing its way through soil or wind gently eroding stone.  “Gently proceeding is the most effective way to influence events.  It never violates and is therefore easily accepted.” (AH)

S:   But when we draw this hexagram is the message about being meek and weak?

P:  No, humility and gentleness should not imply inferiority and weakness.  This hexagram speaks to a “penetrating clarity of judgment that thwarts all dark hidden motives” (WB) and the ceaseless and focused influence that produces enduring and complete changes.  The point is that gentle behaviors, when focused on a specific goal with patience and perseverance, will have lasting effects.

S:  Can we take a look at the individual lines?

P:  Let’s!

1.                   She lacks self-confidence and needs someone to give clear directions.
2.                   Indefatigable efforts to bring hidden influences into the light of day
3.                   He overanalyzes the situation and is unable to act
4.                   Innate modesty and energetic action join to produce positive outcomes
5.                   She steps forward resolutely after careful consideration
6.                   Clarity of understanding combined with extreme meekness – no confidence

 S:  So, the message seems to be that one can achieve great things through humble and gentle influences as long as they are clearly focused and persistently acted upon.

P:  And gentle and persistent changes have more lasting effects than those imposed by surprise.  In the realm of the community, it is the gentle and persistent exposing of intrigues and anonymity that shun the light of truth but, when are exposed, lose their power over people.

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