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Saturday, July 14, 2012

62 - Hsiao Kuo - Preponderance of the Small

An occasional discussion on the I Ching - Part 62 of 64

Professor:  Preponderance of the Small is represented by Thunder (Chên) above the Mountain (Kên).

Student:  This seems a study in extremes.  Above we have the dynamic and energetic element of thunder - shaking, rumbling, and causing fear.  And close below, the mountains stand still and silent, unperturbed, constant, and steadfast.

P:  Right, this hexagram corresponds to a time that is not right for striving upward into the storm.  Instead, in such times we should focus attention on the safety of our mountain refuges.  One way to do that is by attending to our conduct.

S:  Why our conduct?

P:  Because conduct illustrates attitude.

S:  Alright, conduct illustrates attitude and in this situation we're instructed to conduct ourselves in a manner that focuses on simple earthly things rather than the grandiose.  But what conduct exactly?

P:  Three examples are offered, but the theme remains one of siding with the lowly:

  • in action:  courteous, respectful, modest, and polite;
  • in mourning:  emotion means more than ceremony; and
  • in personal expenditures:  thrift, moderation, and temperance.

S:  How do those situations correspond to the title - "Preponderance of the Small"?

P:  One is advised that at this time it is important to be modest.  That is, to adapt harmoniously to life's challenges as opposed to imposing one's will with excessive energy.  To blend in rather than stand out.  To not attempt to fly too high lest one fail for lack of the requisite ability.

S:  So we're told to bide our time and focus on comporting ourselves with exemplary behavior until we are able to achieve lofty things?

P:  Correct, as Wilhelm interprets:
"Exceptional modesty and conscientiousness are sure to be rewarded with success; however, if a man is not to throw himself away, it is important that they should not become empty form and subservience but be combined always with a correct dignity in personal behavior."
S:   So in such times one should be modest but not obsequious and conscientious but not excessive in expenditures or ceremony.

P:  Right, those are examples of being "small" and sometimes the right action is to fly under the radar - to persevere and adhere to one's principles, but not to push it since you aren't in a strong position.  Sometimes we need to acknowledge that there is too much turbulence directly over our heads and that the wise move is to take shelter and go about other meaningful work while we wait.



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