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Thursday, July 12, 2012

63 - Chi Chi - After Completion

An occasional discussion on the I Ching - Part 63 of 64

Here again we encounter the combination of two contrary elements:  fire and water.  But, while in #64 fire was above water and the two divergent energies had to be pulled together by a wise person working from the proper vantage point, this time the contrary elements are temporarily in balance.

I wouldn't say they're in balance exactly.  It seems to me that fire will win the day - the water will eventually disappear as steam if there's enough fuel.

Quite so, but if too much energy is applied, the water too can quench the fire by boiling over.  In each case, there is a certain amount of dynamic tension between the two elements so caution is required.

In nature, the two elements would tend to negate each other.

Exactly.  That suggests that this is a situation of equilibrium and that such a delicate situation that requires extreme caution.

Why - if things are in equilibrium or balance, what's to fear?

If the water extinguishes the flame we're left with only water and if the flame dries up the water we're left with only fire.  Neither case reflects the perfect balance illustrated here.  Tell me, how long have you observed things to stay in balance of their own accord?  If things are perfectly balanced, all it takes is a slight shudder, a faint gust of wind, or a subtle shock to disrupt the moment - right?  So, when two opposing forces come together, proper decorum and protocols must be followed.  The parties should be respectful to one another lest tempers flare and the pot boils over.

So, this is a hexagram that speaks to a tenuous situation that we should be prepared to deal with in the event things go wrong.

Correct, and things will go wrong eventually.  In this hexagram everything is in its proper position, but that can only last so long.  Any slight deviation from this delicate balance will send things into disarray again as a natural consequence of dynamic processes. 

But the balance can be preserved if one is astute enough, right?

Yes, the balance can be preserved and great things can be accomplished while these forces remain in harmony.  But, disorder will inevitably return - the balance can't be preserved forever.  It's just the nature of things.


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