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Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Philosophy of Sustainability

Wherein the 6 proposed elements of a philosophy of sustainability are summarized for easy recall.

‘A small country has fewer people.
Though there are machines that can work ten to a hundred times faster than man, they are not needed.
The people take death seriously and do not travel far.
Though they have boats and carriages, no one uses them.
Though they have armor and weapons, no one displays them.
Men return to the knotting of rope in place of writing.
Their food is plain and good, their clothes fine but simple, their homes secure;
They are happy in their ways.
Though they live within sight of their neighbors,
And crowing cocks and barking dogs are heard across the way,
Yet they leave each other in peace while they grow old and die.’

Tao Te Ching 80 - Lao Tzu

We all should be happy in our ways.  We needn't return to the knotting of rope, but we needn't be extravagant to be happy either.  Perhaps our culture became too enamored of the Darwinian concept of ‘survival of the fittest,’ and we have since been preoccupied with being the most able competitors.  Perhaps we need to evolve beyond such primal motivations and align our behaviors with a change in philosophy.  Such a Philosophy of Sustainability might revolve around six principles.

1.         All Things Are in a State of Becoming

Recognize that all things change and that change creates new things.  Be aware that what is being sustained is a process of increasing complexity and diversity and that humanity’s ability to harmonize with that process is reflective of our maturity as a species.

2.         All You Need Is Love

Approach all things with a loving attitude.  Recognize that we are all part of the same whole.  Recognize in others the myriad reflections of yourself and all you hold dear.  Treat the earth with reverence and respect - for it is the source of sustenance in this plane of existence.

3.         Satisfaction of Needs Strengthens the Body and Spirit - Satisfaction of Wants Weakens

Body and spirit need certain things to maintain health. Satisfying those needs promotes individual and community health.  Seeking after more than is needed leads to selfishness and conflict.  In everything seek to achieve moderation.  Do not do anything to excess.  Maintain perspective and appreciate all points of view.  Obsession leads to strife and conflict.

4.         Challenge Yourself to Cooperate.  Do Not Compete for the Sake of Challenge

Share resources and build consensus.  Cooperation is a physical manifestation of love.  Work together to achieve shared goals - do not strive to control others.  Competition leads to conflict and conflict leads to suffering.  There is no ‘us versus them,’ it is just ‘us.’  Be selfless in your enterprise - not selfish.  Challenge yourself and your loved ones to do their best for yourself and the whole.

5.         Waste Not Want Not

Take care in how resources and energy are used - they are precious and limited.  Take greater care in why they are used.   

6.        Take Responsibility for Your Actions

Take responsibility for your actions and challenge yourself to change your behavior when it becomes apparent that your actions are not sustainable.  Do not ignore the consequences of your actions or expect others to address them for you.

1 comment:

  1. I agree w/the idea in your first paragraph, "we needn't be extravagant to be happy". Seems all the uber materialism we're deluged w/everyday has people in need of a fix for constant stimulation and diversion. Makes you wonder where it'll all lead. -ahem
