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Saturday, May 10, 2014

4th 8 Recap

I Ching explorations - Interlude 5

This is a recap of the 4th group of eight hexagrams according to the King Wen sequence:  numbers 25 through 32.

25/26:  A Time to be Spontaneous – A Time to Accumulate Great Power
27/28:  A Time to Nourish Mind and Body – A Time to Undertake Extraordinary Actions
29/30:  Darkness and Danger – Brightness and Synergy
31/32:  A Time for Courtship – A Time for Marriage

Sometimes it’s best to just embrace the unexpected, be spontaneous, and go with the flow (25).  Other times it’s best to wait and carefully release one’s accumulated powers at the opportune moment (26).


The release of accumulated energy is nurturing to us and others (27).  Having nourished one’s body and mind, one is in a position to undertake extraordinary actions (28),albeit temporarily.

While certain times provide for exceptional efforts to be achieved, eventually darkness caused by human actions will return (29).  Dangerous times require strength of character (virtue), patience, and fortitude to endure and overcome.  In dangerous times, we often seek out synergies to help us succeed (30).

The fundamental living synergy in Nature is between male and female:  both in terms of the immediate spark of attraction (31) and in lasting consummation (32).


(N.B.  Those of you who are following along will have noted that I forged ahead with hexagrams 23 and 24 without pausing to recap this 4th group of 8 hexagrams in accordance with the established pattern.  That was an oversight, so I've rectified that slip here and will resume with 21 and 22 when I return to the I Ching.  This group contains the ending of Book I [which concludes with the elemental forces of water {29} and fire {30}] and the beginning of Book II [which commences with the elemental forces of male and female in the forms of initial attraction {31} and enduring union {32}.]  I have yet to discover why the two books don't each contain 32 hexagrams, but I'm sure there's a good reason. I think that this graphic depiction of conception aptly captures the yin and yang of 32. - Kam).

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