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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Process - Part 8

I don’t know, Professor.  But does it really matter how my story plays out?  I mean with global population at about 7 billion people, what difference can my story make anyway?

Yes, I understand feelings of futility at such a daunting challenge, but I tell myself to make a difference for myself, my family, and those close to me first.  There’s no need to feel that a messianic quest to change the world in some dramatic fashion could be orchestrated.  I feel it’s more important to do what you can, where and when you can – the rest will take care of itself.  Ok, let’s bring this recitation to a close before we continue with what’s next.

Fair enough.   

“Humanity stands poised on a new frontier of evolutionary possibility.  An abyss is there to cross at cost, a door is there to unlock.  Humans have both the bridge and the key; they have awareness and the capability.  The question is, ‘do they have the courage?’

“Through higher levels of consciousness and behaviors consistent with them, Nature’s Process can express itself yet more fully through them.  Climbing this mountain, crossing this chasm, opening this door, can extend their sojourn within this phase of Process’ vastness to perhaps as successful a run as their brothers the cockroaches have enjoyed.  Without such awareness and behavior, little time remains before their slumber is rent and they are absorbed and erased from the scene – a very minor disruption in the remedial comings and goings of eternal Process.

“As one recent thinker suggested, ‘we have only ourselves and one another.  That may not be much, but that’s all there is.’  Another might reply, ‘that’s all there is, and that’s plenty.’  Therewith humanity must not only be content, but creative.

“It is most important to run out of gods, immovable national traditions, and other hindrances.  For better or worse, we are what we have called ‘God.’  It’s time we act that way and risk the terrible dangers inherent in the pursuit of the good unconditionally in ourselves and others – even to the extent of discovering the bad in ourselves and others.

“Humans come of age are totally responsible for what they are and what they do.  We are free to do whatever we like within the limits of our several abilities.  We need only face the consequences.

“If there be hope for mankind – if Process, once having become conscious, is to evolve into ever higher levels, the way must be shown by those who have demonstrated a capacity for a knowledgeable partnership with Nature in the making of things, yet whose making is softened by a wiser intuition that keeps them from making too much, too fast, and at too great a cost.   

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