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Saturday, March 26, 2016

#17 Sui / Following & #18 Ku / Remedying Corruption

#17 Sui / Following – Lake (Tui) over Thunder (Chên)
#18 Ku / Remedying Corruption – Mountain (Kên) over Wind (Sun)

#17 - Water over Thunder (Energy)

#18 - Mountain over Wind
Theme: A time for following a time for remedying corruption

The Joyous Lake over Energetic Thunder symbolizes joining together in happy movement.
The Gentle Wind stagnates against the Still Mountain.

The strong subordinates to the young and weak thus learning humility.
Through lack of attention and indifference, corruption and decay have occurred.

This is a time to relax and adapt to the situation.
Disrepair or stagnation can be remedied.
Thunder under the Lake also indicates a time when the powerful has subordinated itself to the weak.
Winds pushed back by the Mountain stirs up spoiled vegetation.
By humbly and happily following the weaker, one learns to be led.
Understand the cause of corruption and energetically counter inertia and indifference.
By adapting and following along with the situation, we conserve energy and harmonize with the times.
Don’t be intimidated by the magnitude of the barriers.  Carefully plan and take decisive action to avoid relapses.
Thunder remains at rest beneath the Lake until the time is right to reemerge.
After repair of stagnant decay comes new growth.
Having learned how to follow, one achieves success when it is time to lead others.
Corruption and decay are removed and tranquil strength regenerates society.
Through adaptation to the times, one finds peace of mind and success.
Decisive action replaces inertia and leads to new beginnings.
The Lines
Top Line
The sage who agrees to return to worldly affairs and lead again is rewarded.
One who rises above the fray to focus on universal wisdom should avoid idle criticism.
Setting the very best as one’s lodestar brings good fortune.
Take responsibility for reform and those around will rally in support and praise.
Through clarity of conviction one sees beyond sycophants and acts independently.
One has tolerated discord too long by treating the symptom not the cause.
Having selected the superior path, part company with the inferior and remain firm.
One’s remedy is aggressive which may cause annoyance, but there is no blame in solving the problem.
Choose wisely between positive and negative paths – the consequences are certain.
Gently rectify decay so as to avoid hurting those one holds dear.
Bottom Line
A leader succeeds by considering all opinions relative to one’s firm principles.
Cautiously breaking with tradition enables one to remedy the decay.
 #17 Sui represents a time when the energetic and strong should subordinate themselves in accordance with the times and happily follow the lead of others.  As the powerful force of geothermal energy bids its time underwater, so too there is a time to adapt and quietly wait while learning from the environment around us.  Adapt to situation at hand, find peace of mind, and learn to lead by following.

#18 Ku is the inverse of #17.  Through neglect and stagnation, conditions have become corrupt.  Now is the time to stir things up like the wind blowing against a mountain.  Work carefully and earnestly to remedy the decay and corruption of the situation.

#17:  Sui - Following

#18:  Ku - Remedying Corruption