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Sunday, February 21, 2016

#19 Lin / Approach & #20 Kuan / Contemplation

#19 Lin / Approach – Earth (K’un) over Lake (Tui)
#20 Kuan / Contemplation – Wind (Sun) over K’un (Earth)

#19 - Lin.  Approach
#20 - Kuan.  Contemplation

Theme: A time to take action – a time to contemplate one’s actions

#19 Lin
Approach / Promotion
#20 Kuan
Contemplation / Watching
The receptive Earth surrounds the lake and slopes down to it.  Lake symbolizes both the inexhaustible wisdom (nourishment from the Lake) that a sage can offer the people (massed above) and the vantage point a wise superior can share with the subordinates below (should they, like the Lake, be willing to joyously receive it).
As the Wind blows across the Earth, a wise superior visits and watches over one’s subordinates.

This is an auspicious and fleeting time to promote oneself or others – make haste.
This is a time to observe one’s outward conduct in social situations.

It is an opportune time for both self-realization and thoughtful leadership.
This is a time to examine one’s inner motives.
Spring does not last forever – seize the moment.
As Wind sways the grass and trees on Earth, so too the superior influences and inspires those below.
“Joy and forbearance bring high and low nearer together.” [W/B, p. 79]  Mutual success.
Those in power are watched by subordinates at all times and must not be complacent or neglectful of their duties
Work with determination to take full advantage of this time.
One gains perspective by contemplating the situation relative to its context, just as one ponders the cosmic laws influencing all things.
“…yielding joyously ensures one’s progress and success.” [Huang, p. 179].   
The great person serves as a example of virtue to all those who watch.
One has great potential to gain clarity and insight into one’s identity and role.
Through attention to the activity of one’s subordinates, leaders gain trust and respect of the people.
Absorb the physical and spiritual growth of this time for sustenance during future low points.
One who apprehends the divine laws of Nature expresses spiritual power for all to see.
The Lines
Top Line
A sage who humbly shares wisdom brings great good fortune to all.
One liberated from ego humbly studies natural laws and so demonstrates to all blameless good.
A wise leader enables trusted experts to implement one’s plans.
Focus not upon egotistic self-contemplation but rather upon what good will endure after one’s life.
Helping others advance from one’s commanding position is favorable.
As an honored guest, one may act independently to exert influence gained through one’s contemplation of social constructs.
Correct one’s self-centeredness in response to easy success to avoid misfortune.
“It is only the effects our lives produce that give us the right to judge whether what we have done means progress or regression.” [W/B, p. 85]
Superior forces encourage one’s rise to power – good fortune.
To understand events from other perspectives, one must step outside and embrace the world.
Bottom Line
Joining with others to achieve one’s aims while remaining true to oneself brings good fortune.
See not the superficial alone – contemplate the deeper meaning and connections to interdependent processes.
 #19 Lin is associated with the 12th month (January-February) when light is ascending once again.  It is a time of growth and progress when success is assured.  Beware that this positive energy will only last for 8 months when the aspects are reversed.  After promotion comes contemplation.

#20 Kuan is the inverse of #19.  After things have become great, they are seen by many and warrant careful contemplation.  Through an understanding of universally applicable natural processes, one gains the ability to express these processes in one’s actions.

#19 - Lin. Approach

#20 - Kuan.  Contemplation