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Sunday, March 2, 2014

#23 Po / Splitting Apart & #24 Fu / Returning

#23 Po / Splitting Apart – Mountain (Kên) over Earth (K’un)
#24 Fu / Return – Earth (K’un) over Thunder (Chên)

#23 Splitting Apart (Falling Away)

#24 Returning
Theme:  A time for splitting apart, a time for starting over again.

#23 Po
Splitting Apart
#24 Fu
Negative energy dominates and is undermining the remaining strong line.  
The time of darkness has passed and positive energy returns.  

Deteriorating events are beyond one’s control
Improving conditions allow for new beginnings.

One struggles with health and inner development.
One has returned to the beginning of another cycle.
The strong remaining line submits to its inevitable deterioration.
“The old is discarded and the new is introduced.” (W/B, p. 97)
Submit to the bad times and nurture those close to you while events run their course.
Don’t attempt to artificially hasten this transformation – let it proceed naturally.
Nurture your mind and body while patiently waiting for change.
Conserve energy, be patient, and take care in these beginning times.
The negative pushes up and replaces the positive for now.
The return of light after darkness leads to renewal.
Those who depend on others will benefit from generosity and benevolence.
Work toward the common good will be unhampered.
Embrace the wisdom and tranquility of acceptance.  
Personal growth comes from understanding the recent negative phase and its eventual return.
The Lines
Top Line
Dissolution ends, power returns to the positive, and the negative consume themselves.
One has missed the opportunity to turn back and must suffer the consequences.
The dark is positively influenced by the light which offers the possibility of successful endeavors.
One objectively examines one’s faults, confesses mistakes, and resolves to overcome them.
Disaster appears without warning and cannot be warded off.
Surrounded by bad influences, one seeks the light alone.
The connection to a superior person enables one to be free and opposed to negative energies.
Seek stability to overcome the dangerous position of repeatedly being lured from the light by uncontrolled desire.    
Alone in a dangerous place one must be adaptable and be humble.
Tough decisions are made easier by following the example of good people.
Bottom Line
One’s position is being undermined but there is nothing to do but endure.
Correcting one’s mistake and turning away from the negative before it is too late cultivates one’s virtue.
#23 indicates a time when things have fallen away and split apart.  A landslide has caused the the mountain to deteriorate, a physical or social structure weakened from below has split apart, or one’s personal relationships have fallen apart.  Negative energies have control of the situation and one can but wait for this time to pass.

#24 signifies a time of starting again after things have deteriorated.  The time of darkness is passed as light returns.  The old is replaced by the new, spring returns, and familiar cycles repeat themselves.  The image of a bear emerging from hibernation suggests the life energy within the earth that is reappearing rested and rejuvenated.

#23 Po / Splitting Apart – Mountain (Kên) over Earth (K’un)

24 Fu / Returning – Earth (K’un) over Thunder (Chên)