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Friday, December 27, 2013

#27 I / Nourishing & #28 Ta Kuo / Critical Mass

#27 I / Nourishing – Mountain (Kên) over Thunder (Chên)
#28 Ta Kuo / Critical Mass – Lake (Tui) over Wood (Sun)

#27 - I / Nourishing

#28 - Ta Kuo / Critical Mass

Nourishment of mind and body enables one to undertake extraordinary actions.

#27 I
#28 Ta Kuo
Critical Mass
Spring thunder and lightning provide nourishment for vegetation on the mountain above.
Waters have risen above the treetops, but the situation is temporary.

Assess who you nourish.  Will they pass along the support you give them to others in turn?
There are many competing and important issues to be confronted simultaneously – things have reached a critical mass.

Assess how you nourish yourself by observing your character traits – are they positive or negative?
One is weighed down by great burdens.
The Mountain above is still while Thunder below is active.  As in the motion of chewing:  the upper jaw is still while the lower moves to provide nourishment.
Wood seeks to float, not to be submerged – this imbalance must be corrected quickly.
Positive nourishment of those who are close enhances one’s own well being.  Discouragement and negativity engenders the same in return.
Find an avenue for transition to a more stable situation as soon as possible, but not by forcible measures.
Tranquility prevents words that come out from one’s mouth and food that goes in from exceeding proper measure.  Practice moderation and thoughtful consideration of what is consumed and said.
Retreat within to evaluate the situation while balancing strong and weak, excessive and deficient.
Life is created anew in the Spring when thunder arrives to awaken the apparently lifeless seeds that lie hidden within the mountain.
Wood temporarily submerged will quickly rise to the surface to achieve balance.
We reap what we sow.  Strive to provide positive nourishment to those around you and you will be nourished in return.
With extreme caution paid to laying the proper foundation, exceptional efforts can be successful.
One’s character is cultivated through discipline over one’s words and actions.  Nurture only productive opinions and attitudes.   
Having relied on one’s inner strength one may confidently endure challenging times and emerge even stronger.
The Lines
Top Line
The sage knows how to bring happiness by nourishing the mind and body of others and does so fully aware of the inherent responsibilities.
One is in over one’s head and should be aware of the extreme personal sacrifice associated with achieving the goal.
One desires to help, but requires the support of a strong superior.  Accept the help and work indirectly – do not try alone.
Do not ignore the foundations upon which success has been achieved in favor of the prize one seeks – imbalance will return.
Seek helpers to aid in one’s support and encouragement of others so as to expand one’s positive influence.
Balance has been achieved but if one pursues individual rather than collective gain, one loses face.
Seek nourishment not through satisfaction of the senses – take a lengthy break from such behavior.
Misfortune follows when one forces the issue despite there being insurmountable obstacles.
An able person accepts favors from those in high places and becomes weakened in turn.
Align one’s efforts with novices who can share in the enthusiasm for new endeavors.
Bottom Line
One has the ability to be independent but is so envious of the prosperity of others that control over one’s destiny is lost.
Pay attention to initial details when embarking on extraordinary actions.  There is no blame in being overly cautious and thorough.
#27 speaks to the need to nourish ourselves and those around us in body and mind.  Ideally, the energies that flow into us are wholesome, healthy, and invigorating.  Similarly, the words and deeds that flow out from a well-nourished body will be whole, healthy, and balanced.  A diet of negative influences and behaviors, however, will result in outward expression of the same.

#28 represents a time when extraordinary action is needed.  That effort is accomplished through the cultivation and nourishment provided in #27 that enables one to remain steadfast and true to one’s convictions.  One should pay close attention to preparing an appropriate foundation for these actions and not get in over one’s head.
#27 - Corners of the Mouth:  Nourishing

#28 - Sagging Ridgepole - Critical Mass