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Sunday, March 31, 2013

#37 Chia Jên / The Family & #38 K’uei / Opposition

Theme:  Productive Social Order : Balanced Opposing Forces  

#37 The Family:  Wind over Fire

#38 Opposition:  Fire over Lake

#37 Chia Jên
The Family
#38 K’uei
The influence that goes out from within the family is like the wind that’s created by fire.
Two incompatible elements:  hot fire rises above and the humid lake falls below.
When the family unit, as the smallest unit of social relationship, is in proper order, larger units built upon it will also be in order. 

In traditional culture, the husband’s role was outside the home and the wife’s was inside.  This hexagram reflects the importance of faithfulness, loyalty, and respect in social relationships.
Two parties are opposed, estranged.  Opposing parties cannot carry out great undertakings in common.
One’s behavior should be consistent with familial roles based on respect and propriety.
An inner duality or conflict causes indecision.
Hot air rises from the fire and fulfills its nature by becoming wind.
Fire (illumination) seeks clarity above while Lake (pleasure) finds satisfaction below – when in contact the two elements, fire and water, retain their own natures.
When all members of the family fulfill their duties the family travels the right path and a basis for moral practice amongst larger social units is established.
Affirm friendly relations – emphasize cooperation and seek common ground while respecting differences and retaining one’s individuality.
The individual should make the needs of the group equal to one’s personal needs.
One may appear indecisive as one weighs conflicting options.  Attempt to see both viewpoints clearly.  Maintaining one’s individuality aids in avoiding stalemate.
Through the wind generated by fire, the fire exerts influence outward.
The two elements deviate – that is their nature.    
When all families travel the right path, the world will be stable.  If there is a conflict of roles and people are not willing to defer, social problems may occur at this time.
Opposing forces neutralize each other but mutual accord can be achieved by diplomatically respecting differing opinions.  Gradual changes in small matters may still be accomplished.
When the individual treats organizations as family groups, finds the proper role, and fulfills those obligations, ones goals will be more easily achieved.  Choosing a role for which one is suited will help ensure that one’s efforts have meaning.

One’s influence on others must proceed from within.  As flame depends on fuel, so too must one’s words depend on one’s convictions.  “Words have influence only when they are pertinent and clearly related to definite circumstances.” (W/B 144).

And, words must be reinforced by one’s actions.  “If words and conduct are not in accord and not consistent, they will have no effect.” (W/B 145). 
By dispensing with preconceptions, we’re able to appreciate differing viewpoints and gain a broader perspective of the natural interaction of universal forces and a sense of oneness in a world of contradictions.     
The Linesnote that here and for forthcoming I Ching posts I will adopt the convention of inverting the line-by-line discussion such that the discussions appear in the same orientation as the lines themselves with the bottom line at the bottom.
Top Line
One sets an example for the family and one’s influence thereby extends well beyond.
One has become isolated by mistrust but eventually perceives one’s errors in judgment and tensions are relieved.
A loving leader is trusted.
Opposition may obscure one’s awareness of a sincere helper.  When recognized, go to meet and get to work.
Balancing income and expenses brings good fortune.
Despite opposition one finds a kinsman who can be trusted.
Balance indulgence and severity but err towards the severe to avoid chaos.
Through difficult times, if one clings to what one knows is right, things will improve.
Remain gentle and steadfast - meet the immediate needs of the family.
An unexpected informal encounter presents an opportunity.
Bottom Line
Establish firm roles when the group is formed.
Seek not to reunify parties by force – be patient and guard against being forced into anything.

The family is viewed as the fundamental unit of social organization.  Mutual love within the family produces harmony.

Familial relationships appear in larger and more complex organizations. 

Understanding one’s position within an organization from the perspective of the family may help one to more easily achieve one’s goals.

Familial harmony demonstrates how larger social and political groups can achieve the same.

Two energies present opposing forces.  There is no judgment of good or bad, simply a mutual respect for polar opposition.

Through observation of these extremes we recognize the multiplicity of combinations possible from their union.  In so doing, we gain a deeper understanding of the structure of the world around us.

By seeing both sides objectively, we appreciate the inherent values in each and move toward cooperation.

#37 Chia Jên (Jia Ren) / The Family

#38 K’uei (Kui) / Opposition