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Friday, December 27, 2013

#27 I / Nourishing & #28 Ta Kuo / Critical Mass

#27 I / Nourishing – Mountain (Kên) over Thunder (Chên)
#28 Ta Kuo / Critical Mass – Lake (Tui) over Wood (Sun)

#27 - I / Nourishing

#28 - Ta Kuo / Critical Mass

Nourishment of mind and body enables one to undertake extraordinary actions.

#27 I
#28 Ta Kuo
Critical Mass
Spring thunder and lightning provide nourishment for vegetation on the mountain above.
Waters have risen above the treetops, but the situation is temporary.

Assess who you nourish.  Will they pass along the support you give them to others in turn?
There are many competing and important issues to be confronted simultaneously – things have reached a critical mass.

Assess how you nourish yourself by observing your character traits – are they positive or negative?
One is weighed down by great burdens.
The Mountain above is still while Thunder below is active.  As in the motion of chewing:  the upper jaw is still while the lower moves to provide nourishment.
Wood seeks to float, not to be submerged – this imbalance must be corrected quickly.
Positive nourishment of those who are close enhances one’s own well being.  Discouragement and negativity engenders the same in return.
Find an avenue for transition to a more stable situation as soon as possible, but not by forcible measures.
Tranquility prevents words that come out from one’s mouth and food that goes in from exceeding proper measure.  Practice moderation and thoughtful consideration of what is consumed and said.
Retreat within to evaluate the situation while balancing strong and weak, excessive and deficient.
Life is created anew in the Spring when thunder arrives to awaken the apparently lifeless seeds that lie hidden within the mountain.
Wood temporarily submerged will quickly rise to the surface to achieve balance.
We reap what we sow.  Strive to provide positive nourishment to those around you and you will be nourished in return.
With extreme caution paid to laying the proper foundation, exceptional efforts can be successful.
One’s character is cultivated through discipline over one’s words and actions.  Nurture only productive opinions and attitudes.   
Having relied on one’s inner strength one may confidently endure challenging times and emerge even stronger.
The Lines
Top Line
The sage knows how to bring happiness by nourishing the mind and body of others and does so fully aware of the inherent responsibilities.
One is in over one’s head and should be aware of the extreme personal sacrifice associated with achieving the goal.
One desires to help, but requires the support of a strong superior.  Accept the help and work indirectly – do not try alone.
Do not ignore the foundations upon which success has been achieved in favor of the prize one seeks – imbalance will return.
Seek helpers to aid in one’s support and encouragement of others so as to expand one’s positive influence.
Balance has been achieved but if one pursues individual rather than collective gain, one loses face.
Seek nourishment not through satisfaction of the senses – take a lengthy break from such behavior.
Misfortune follows when one forces the issue despite there being insurmountable obstacles.
An able person accepts favors from those in high places and becomes weakened in turn.
Align one’s efforts with novices who can share in the enthusiasm for new endeavors.
Bottom Line
One has the ability to be independent but is so envious of the prosperity of others that control over one’s destiny is lost.
Pay attention to initial details when embarking on extraordinary actions.  There is no blame in being overly cautious and thorough.
#27 speaks to the need to nourish ourselves and those around us in body and mind.  Ideally, the energies that flow into us are wholesome, healthy, and invigorating.  Similarly, the words and deeds that flow out from a well-nourished body will be whole, healthy, and balanced.  A diet of negative influences and behaviors, however, will result in outward expression of the same.

#28 represents a time when extraordinary action is needed.  That effort is accomplished through the cultivation and nourishment provided in #27 that enables one to remain steadfast and true to one’s convictions.  One should pay close attention to preparing an appropriate foundation for these actions and not get in over one’s head.
#27 - Corners of the Mouth:  Nourishing

#28 - Sagging Ridgepole - Critical Mass

Sunday, November 17, 2013

#29 K'an / The Abysmal & #30 Li / The Clinging

#29 K’an / The Abysmal – Water (K’an) over Water (K’an)
#30 Li / The Clinging – Fire (Li) over Fire (Li)

#29  The Abysmal: Water
#30 The Clinging:  Fire
Darkness and Danger - Brightness and Synergy

#29 K’an
The Abysmal / Water
#30 Li
The Clinging / Fire
Water doubled:  danger upon danger.
Fire doubled has no form but clings to the object being consumed.

Danger of mankind’s doing is present and one has become enveloped in its darkness.
A synergy occurs when the ability of two elements combined surpasses the individual.

There is a dependence upon and a clinging to another.  
Rather than avoid dangerous spots or plunges, water remains true to its nature and fills them in.
Given the right conditions, heat is dependent on fuel to sustain fire.  
Confront the danger, adhere to approved protocols, and keep moving.
Cooperative efforts enable both parties to achieve synergies that would not occur through individual effort.  
Attempt to transform a bad situation into something positive.  Remain sincere in your heart.
Recognize the limitations inherent in reality and harmonize your energies with the times.
By actively addressing and overcoming the challenge, water is able to flow on.
With sustained fire comes brightness – the repeated motion of which establishes time.
By remaining calm and behaving correctly, one passes through dangerous situations unharmed.
Inner clarity derived from one’s dependence on what is right brings enlightenment to the world.
In times of danger, if one remain true to oneself great inner development is possible.  Flirting with disaster can be invigorating!
By clinging to the forces of spiritual life, one’s psychic nature is transfigured and has influence on earth.
The Lines
Top Line
Having embraced the negative, now one is imprisoned in disorder.  One must wait for release.
Clearly identify and eradicate the root of the trouble without collateral damage.
Water need only reach the lowest point on the rim to flow - follow the path of least resistance.
An attitudinal change has occurred.  Rather than be consumed, one has been transformed through synergy.
Don’t dwell on ceremony – given the opportunity, take the simple and direct approach.
A shooting star may be briefly prominent but leave no lasting effects.  Don’t exhaust your energy with excessive displays.
Escape is not possible yet – patiently wait it out.
Cultivate yourself and accept your fate.  Linger not in revelry or lamentation.
First stay afloat, then calmly take baby steps to extricate yourself.
Avoid excess.  Be moderate in thought and action.
Bottom Line
One has lost the way and become accustomed to the negative.
Serious concentration is needed at the beginning when the seed of what is to follow is sewn.
These two hexagrams oppose and compliment each other.  In #29, one is enveloped in the darkness and danger caused by human actions that requires strength of character (virtue), patience, and fortitude to endure and overcome.  K’an is the soul shut within one’s body.  In #30, the synergistic interaction of two entities expands the scope of what can be achieved.  While each individual is limited by Earth’s realities, voluntary dependencies that are harmonious with nature help us to gain clarity and find our place in the world.  Li is nature in its radiance.

#29 K'an

#30 Li

Saturday, November 2, 2013

#31 Hsien / Influence & #32 Hêng / Duration

#31 Hsien / Influence – Lake (Tui) over Kên (Mountain)
#32 Hêng / Duration – Thunder (Chên) over Wind (Sun)

#31 Influence:  Lake over Mountain
#32 Duration:  Thunder over Wind
Part II of the I Ching begins with hexagrams concerning courtship and marriage:
the foundations of all social relationships.

#31 Hsien
Influence (Wooing)
#32 Hêng
Lake (the youngest daughter) is wooed by Mountain (the youngest son).
Thunder (the eldest son) is joined with Wind (the eldest daughter) in a long-lasting union.
This hexagram represents the attraction between mates as the beginning of the most basic social unit – the family.
“The hexagram represents the institution of marriage as the enduring union of the sexes.” W/B p. 126
A great leader takes on an attitude of servitude so as to encourage people to approach for advice and guidance.  
Look within for traits that have endurance and consistency in your nature.  What are you dedicated to?
“Heaven and earth attract each other and thus all creatures come into being.” W/B, p. 123
While thunder and wind may be fleeting, their effects and the laws governing them are lasting.
Perseverance is the difference between seduction and courtship.  One’s willingness to be influenced attracts others and encourages an exchange of ideas.
While we grow and change, recurring social customs provide stability, continuity, order, and security for the family and community.
Subordinate yourself and free yourself of selfish motives – achieve a lasting relation, not a brief encounter.
Keep abreast of the times and evolve while following your inner directive - your central path.  
The mountain is stimulated by the moisture from the lake on its summit.
A cooperative relationship perpetuates itself – this is the continuing mystery of existence.
When the strong subordinates itself to the weak, hearts are influenced, creatures come into being, and the world attains peace.
Adherence to social order and custom provides a structure within which growth, maturation, and continuation of the whole occurs.
Taking a spouse brings good fortune.
Following through on what one is dedicated to brings success.   
The Lines
Top Line
Words alone have superficial influence.
Calm down.  Restlessness prevents thoroughness.  It is time to stop and take a breath.
Evaluate the depth of your conviction.  Where the root is sound, the ramifications are also sound. W/B, p. 544
One must adjust one’s approach and attitude to the times to achieve success.
Don’t hesitate – follow your heart.  Be open, honest, and consistent.
No matter the persistence, one will not catch a butterfly in a blizzard.  Be realistic.
Hold back, don’t yield abruptly to every master, achieve freedom through personal inhibition of desires.
Be centered – don’t succumb to moods of hope or fear.  Inconsistent behavior leads to humiliation.
“Wait quietly until one is impelled to action by a real influence.”
Avoid extremes – use just enough energy to achieve the objective.
Bottom Line
The idea is present but no movement has occurred.
Do not expect a deep and lasting relationship in the beginning.
In #31, the masculine places himself below the feminine in an attempt to woo and establish a lasting relationship.  If the masculine is subordinate to the feminine courtship may be sustained.  If the opposite occurs, the seduction will be short-lived. 

In #32, the feminine and the masculine achieve a long-lasting relationship that serves as the basis for continuation.  While the individuals will not endure, the spark of their union continues on from generation to generation.

#31 Hsien
Influence (Wooing)
#32 Hêng

Saturday, September 7, 2013

No War With Syria!

While I have my next installment of the I Ching series half completed and look forward to returning to that introspective frame of mind, the fact that President Obama is urging us into another military intervention in the Middle East compels me to speak out in opposition to an attack on Syria.

The Nation published an editorial in the 9/16/2013 issue with the same title I've borrowed here that speaks to the legal and humanitarian reasons for not getting involved in Syria (The Nation).  I urge you to read it and pass it on to others.

Listen too to Alan Grayson, Democrat from Florida who reminded us during an interview on CNN (9/7/2013) that the Syrian conflict is "evolving into a grudge match between crazy Sunni fundamentalists and crazy Shiite fundamentalists - a war that's been going on now for 1,300 years and we have no chance of ending..."  As I just discovered, he's been interviewed numerous times lately - one of which can be found here:  Alan Grayson

If you also believe that the U.S. should stay out of Syria, I encourage you to write to your representatives in Congress and to the President and voice your opinion.  It's never been easier to express your opinion than it is now - log in, Google your "who's my congressman" if you're unsure, enter your zip code, and you'll be able to send a brief email on foreign policy to express your opinion. You may also be interested in signing Alan Grayson's petition to that effect:  Don't Attack Syria.  Protests are being organized around the country - maybe you'll be part of today's march to the Capitol in D.C.? 

While the cynical among us will say that it doesn't matter what the people think when the stock price of Raytheon (maker of the Tomahawk cruise missile) jumps in response to a potential conflict (see: Raytheon stock), we can hope that our representatives in government will be as sensible as those in the British Parliament were when they rejected their Prime Minister's call for action against Syria.  But, if we don't speak up they won't hear us.

Unshutter your lantern and speak up for peace.