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Monday, May 29, 2017

#9 Hsiao Ch’u (Xiao Xü) / Restrained & #10 Lü / Conduct

#9  – Hsiao Ch'u: Wind (Sun) over Heaven (Ch’ien)
#10  – Lü: Heaven (Ch’ien) over Lake (Tui)

#9 - Wind Gathers Clouds But No Rain Falls

#10 - Proper Conduct is Required When Treading on a Tiger's Tail

Themes: A time of being Restrained and a time for proper Conduct

The wind gently drives storm clouds together.
The powerful yet gentle Heaven will always be elevated above the meek and joyous Lake according to their inherent natures.

A weak force in a powerful position restrains the strong.
Societal differences in rank that correspond with inherent endowments are proper and natural.

The path may appear clear but one is restrained.
One in a weak position is engaged with powerful and challenging authorities.
Wind alone is unsubstantial, it does not produce lasting effects but it penetrates everything.
The weak element follows closely behind and dangerously treads upon the strong element.
Take no drastic actions - store up energy and make small refinements to the outward expression.
Social readjustment is occurring – some are rising, some are falling in accordance with the cycling balance of power.
By improving one’s character and being adaptable, one exerts friendly persuasion over others.
Conduct yourself with thoughtful courtesy – maintain your composure and dignity and stick to time-tested patterns.
Winds support the formation of clouds but no rain falls.
The weak but joyful exhibits proper decorum and is not hurt by the powerful.
By attending to the details while waiting for restraints to ease, the strong are better positioned when times change.
Order and progress in society result when external differences in power and influence align with the inner worth of individuals which promotes social decorum and peace.
One stays close to the situation and has gentle influence while waiting to make a lasting impact.
Good fortune comes through dignified fulfillment of one’s duty.  One should tread lightly but with composure and good humor.
The Lines
Top Line
A victory has been achieved but stop before going too far – adversity is on the rise and misfortune would follow.
When the work is done, observe how good work leads to good fortune and vice versa to gauge the consequences of one's actions.
The sharing of loyalty and trust in friendship leads to true wealth.
Only through awareness of the dangers and resolute commitment can this difficult endeavor be achieved.
Honest and sincere advice can restrain the powerful and avert terrible outcomes.
One successfully accomplishes a dangerous objective by exercising great caution.
While the path ahead may seem unimpeded, one is still restrained.  Progress is futile and undignified.
Only in dire circumstances should one undertake an effort beyond one’s abilities for disaster surely awaits.
The time is not right to advance.  Observe those who have gone before and avoid rebuff.
One remains free from entanglements and travels smoothly by seeking nothing, asking nothing, and remaining true to oneself.
Bottom Line
When obstacles are encountered it is wise to hold a position that allows for advance or retreat.
Starting in an inferior position, the wise one focuses behavior on doing a job well and not on the means to escape lowliness.
#9.   Hsiao Ch’u (now Xiao Xü) consists of Xiao (meaning small) and Xü (meaning to store, save, gather).  The weak yin line is in a powerful position among strong yang lines indicating the ability of the weak to temporarily restrain the strong.  This is not a favorable situation, but through friendly and gentle persuasion sufficient influence may be exerted to restrain and subdue the stronger forces.

One might see in this hexagram the frustration of a majority who find themselves governed by someone they did not choose.  When one has no control over the situation, choices are to wait it out while passively complying or to step away from the situation entirely.  If one chooses to remain, this is not the time for grand schemes but it is a good time to enhance one’s image and remain close to the situation so as to exert gentle influence as able.

#10.  Lü means shoes.  With shoes, we tread upon the earth and carry out our duties with firm steps and fulfill our duties.  Lü had the same pronunciation as lĭ (etiquette) at one time and had similar meanings thus the underlying message is one of proper conduct whilst fulfilling one’s duty.  The image of a cautious or meek person (attributes of the Lake) treading upon the tail of a powerful yet gentle and joyous tiger that does not bite (attributes of Heaven) symbolizes the proximity of the weak and strong and the good humor that results from proper etiquette:  “pleasant manners succeed even with irritable people.” [W/B, p 44]

When one is faced with a rebalancing of priorities imposed by those in authority, a natural reaction is to be hurt and offended.  If one sees the change as another step in one’s journey and embraces the new assignment with dignity, decorum, and the accumulated wisdom of prior adventures, one’s inherent worth will shine and peace will be the reward.

#9 Hsiao Ch'u - Restrained

#10 Lü - Conduct