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Sunday, March 12, 2017

#11 T’ai / Peace & #12 P’i / Standstill

#11  – T’ai: Earth (K’un) over Heaven (Ch’ien)
#12  – P’i: Heaven (Ch’ien) over Earth (K’un)

#11 - Peace and Harmony like Flowing Water 
#12 - Still and Stagnant like a Dying Lake

Theme: A time of peace a time of discord

Peace, Prosperity,
Discord, Standstill,
The Earth moves down from above and the Heavens move upward from below.
Heaven rises higher above and the Earth sinks deeper below.

A time of social harmony – those in high places favor the lowly and the lowly look favorably upon the high.
A time of social discord – the inferior control the center while the superior must step aside. 

Harmony between opposing forces produces a time of flowering and prosperity.
Disharmony between opposing forces breeds apathy, rejection, and despair.
Heaven and Earth unite and all things flourish.
“Heaven and earth are out of communion and all things are benumbed.” [Wilhelm, p. 52]
Evil elements come under the influence of the good.
The good withdraw into seclusion while the evil rise in influence.
The infinite is divided, bounded, and controlled to increase the natural yield for human benefit.
It is futile to influence or control the inferior at this time – this is the time for the superior to withdraw.
Good fortune and success for all things.
Confusion and disorder prevail.
Society is changed for the better as negative influences are replaced by the positive.
Fruitful activity is futile so the good bide their time and hide their worth.
Humanity is rewarded by furthering the productiveness of Nature.
Remove oneself from the situation, hold on to one’s convictions, be not tempted by rewards – these times will pass.
The Lines
Top Line
Strengthen ties to those one holds close – the inevitable decline has begun – resistance is futile.
Stagnation ends but maintaining peace and prosperity requires continuous strength of purpose.
When two disparate parties come together with humility, modesty, and impartiality, success follows.
The right leader and the right time for transition to the positive appear but remain cautious rather than overly secure.
Not boastful or trivial, the rich communes with the poor out of spontaneous and guileless conviction. 
If sincerely inspired to help all, one with authority can restore order but self-centered actions result in confusion.
Happy in the moment, one mindful of eventual decline remains true to one’s inner nature and thereby stronger than fate.
Having risen to power through wrongful means, they see they are unequal to the duty and feel shame, which is positive.
Follow the middle way by tolerating the uncultured, taking risks, attending to both near and distant, and avoiding factions.
Being willing to tolerate the times alone, one protects one’s principles and succeeds.
Bottom Line
One brings others along when commencing an undertaking – good fortune.
One brings others along when withdrawing from the situation – perseverance furthers.
#11.  T’ai (Peace, Prosperity, and Advancement) speaks of a time when Heaven is on Earth and prosperity follows.  Society has reached a phase in the perpetual oscillation between light and dark when social harmony, peace, and community are at their zenith and the good in humanity is in control.  The inferior is going while the superior is arriving.  It is a time when the good possess a central and controlling influence and evil aspects are changed for the better of all.  However, as the top moving line cautions, when “the hour of doom” is at hand, “…we should submit to fate and not try to stave if off by violent resistance.  The one recourse left us is to hold our own within our intimate circle.  Should we persevere in trying to resist the evil in the usual way, our collapse would only be more complete and humiliation would be the result.” [Wilhelm, p. 52]

#12.  P’i (Discord, Standstill, and Hindrance).  T’ai transitions inevitably back to the dark side as the superior departs and the inferior arrives.  P’i reflects a time when evil elements control the center and the good step aside to protect and nurture personal integrity and communal values.   Where the opportunity presents itself to act within one's principles, then efforts to exert influence can be favorable.  The Winter 2017 RESIST movement in the U.S. that has emerged in response to the Trump presidency can be viewed as non-violent action in accordance with fundamental principles of what is right and fair in America but that are contrary to the dark force that has arisen.  As moving line 3 observes, an inferior person who has arrived at a place of power without the support of the people feels shame and unequal to the challenges.  As Lao Tzu (17) instructs, weak self-centered leaders are despised and ridiculed.

#11 T'ai - Peace

#12 P'i - Standstill