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Sunday, April 3, 2016

3rd 8 Recap

 I Ching Explorations – Interlude 6

This is a recap of the 3rd group of eight hexagrams according to the King Wen sequence:  numbers 17 through 24.

17:  A Time to Humbly Follow & 18:  A Time to Remedy Corruption
19:  A Time for Joyous Promotion & 20:  A Time for Observed Contemplation
21:  A Time to Eradicate Obstacles & 22:  A Time to Contemplate Grace
23:  A Time When things are Splitting Apart & 24:  A Time for Starting Over

17 (Sui/Following) advises that to learn how to lead others it is important to first learn how to be a follower.  Follow the beautiful and good with conviction, but be aware that following others and adapting to the conditions at hand can lead to stagnation.

18 (Ku/Remedying Corruption) suggests that action must be taken to correct stagnation that has occurred through lack of attention and indifference.  After careful consideration, when one works decisively to stir things up the new energy and inspiration generated will remedy corruption and demonstrate one’s readiness for promotion.

19 (Lin/Promotion) indicates an auspicious time when joyous hopeful progress can be made toward one’s greatest aspirations.  By working quickly and persevering in what is right one helps others and is aided in turn toward greatness.  Greatness affords one the time to contemplate but also the position to be contemplated by others. 

20 (Kuan/Contemplation) suggests that one should be mindful of one’s actions that will endure and the example one sets for others.  Whether a physical occurrence or timeless wisdom, when something is worthy of careful attention, people join together to share in the experience.

21 (Shih Ho/Biting Through) represents a time when an obstacle obstructs elemental forces.  Through vigorous joining together an obstacle can be removed and appropriate punishment served although such reforms should not be instituted without principled action.

22 (Pi/Grace) is a time of perfectly balanced form.  However, the grace and etiquette one observes are idealistic.  Choose simplicity over brilliant adornment.  When one goes too far with trappings, the substance beneath is weakened and will split apart.

23 (Po/Splitting Apart) indicates a time when one should submit to the inevitable and remain quiet because it is beyond one’s control.  Be humble and adaptable during this time and take comfort in knowing that when things reach their limits and split apart, a new cycle will commence.

24 (Fu/Return) signifies a time to start over again.  The old is replaced by the new, spring returns, and familiar cycles repeat themselves.  When it is time to start over again, it is natural to step into the light and innocently go with the flow.