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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

#21 Shih Ho / Biting Through & #22 Pi / Adorning

#21 Shih Ho / Biting Through – Lightning (Li) over Thunder (Chên)
#22 Pi / Adorning – Mountain (Kên) over Fire (Li)

#21 - Biting Through
#22 - Mountain Adorned by Fire
Theme: A time to eradicate obstacles, a time to adorn and contemplate form.    

#21 Shih Ho
Biting Through / Reform
#22 Pi
An obstacle prevents an open mouth from closing.
The mountain is adorned from below by fire.

Social harmony has been disrupted by an obstacle or obstruction that must be eradicated.
One’s position unfolds in luxurious ceremony that affords a unique vision of what is possible.

Inner harmony and meaning are blocked by vague principles, delusions, or bad habits.
Everything comes into focus allowing a vision of potential perfection.
The jaws bite through to eliminate the obstruction.
Through contemplation of the beautifully enhanced forms of Nature one understands time and its changing demands.
Punishments are necessary and must be administered clearly and consistently.
Use your current appreciation of the grace and beauty of societal form to better understand its shape and function.
Energetically eradicate obstacles to strengthening your character.
A time for self-expression and inner development – let the aesthetic ideas flow.
The obstacle has been eradicated, now things will go smoothly.
The light of the fire simply illuminates the superficial beauty of the mountain, not the myriad ongoing processes it harbors.
Clarity and swiftness of justice strengthen the law, instill respect, and establish social order.
Enhance one’s public image and public relations but do not make far reaching decisions.  The beauty of the form is brief: enjoy the form and contemplate its structure.
Through clear and decisive action one reforms one’s Self and achieves favorable results.
What is produced now appears to be divinely inspired, unless taken to inelegant excess.
The Lines
Top Line
One who persists in doing evil drifts farther from the path and cannot heed any warnings.  Misfortune.
“Perfect grace consists not in exterior ornamentation of the substance, but in the simple fitness of the form.” (RW p. 93)
A difficult but clear decision requires impartiality and truth to avoid making a mistake.
Treasure one’s true nature –sincerity of feeling outweighs gifts of material significance.
A serious transgression must be overcome.  Succeed through upright firmness and perseverance.
Choose simplicity over brilliant adornment to achieve peace of mind and self-knowledge.
One lacks authority and metes out ineffective penalties -  offenders do not comply.
One is charmed by the current situation.  Avoid indolence through continued perseverance.
Repeated offenses warrant swift punishment which while severe achieve reform.
Adornment for its own sake is meaningless and vain.
Bottom Line
A minor transgression warrants a minor penalty –  heed this warning.
A subordinate of strong character scorns false pretense and is content in lowly position.
#21 indicates a time when an obstruction can be physically eradicated.  There may be a person interfering with one’s aims, a disruption in the social order, or an inner conflict with which one is struggling.  This is a time to take action to confront, bite through, and remove that obstruction.  Reform your situation by being clear, firm, and decisive.

#22 signifies a time to cultivate the beauty of the soul.  The tranquility of this time enables one to glimpse the potential of individual or social grace.  Such awareness can enrich inner development, self-expression, and social tradition.  However, the beauty of form one realizes now can only penetrate so deep without weakening the form beneath.    

#21 Shih Ho - Biting Through
#22 Pi - Adorning