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Sunday, January 26, 2014

#25 Wu Wang / Innocence & #26 Ta Ch’u / Great Accumulation

#25 Wu Wang / Innocence – Heaven (Ch’ien) over Thunder (Chên)
#26 Ta Ch’u / Great Accumulation – Mountain (Kên) over Heaven (Ch’ien)

#25 Innocence

#26 Great AccumulationTheme:  A time to be spontaneous – a time to accumulate creative power.

#25 Wu Wang
#26 Ta Ch’u
Great Accumulation
Heaven rises and Thunder moves in harmony beneath.
Mountain above stills the creative power of Heaven below.   

Conditions are ripe for spontaneity but unexpected results may occur.
Accumulated knowledge of the past is available to benefit society.

This is a time when one is in harmony with the divine without ulterior motives to cloud one’s innocence.
One has stored great personal knowledge that can benefit others.
Thunder’s movement under Heaven leads to growth.
Heaven accumulates power below the Mountain.
Now is the time to penetrate to the motive for one’s actions and allow one’s intuition to supersede the rational.
This is a time to choose a path that benefits the whole, not just the self.
Act without conscious purpose.  Be spontaneous and good.
Hold to traditional values and consider actions in their light thereby developing character.
Thunder proclaims the virtues of Heaven.
Great accumulated energy within the Mountain eventually springs forth to nourish.
Innocent actions without ulterior motives inspire and stimulate mutual growth.
Energy is available to succeed in great undertakings aimed at helping others.
Innocent spontaneity leads to creative brilliance and inspiration.
Accumulated wisdom is available to be shared with profound results.
The Lines
Top Line
Hold fast – the time is not right for action regardless of intent.
Obstructions are gone – release the stored energies and act in harmony with Nature to achieve greatness.   
A healthy person need not seek out remedies – let Nature take its course.
Do not confront directly – instead eliminate the root of the problem.  Success!
Hold true to your nature and be not swayed by others.
What held you back has strengthened you.  Success!
Unexpected misfortune may present its own opportunities – retain an innocent attitude.
The path has cleared.  Remain vigilant while pursuing your objective.
Perform the task at hand with your full attention – don’t be distracted by the possible results.
Superior forces hold you in check.  There is no choice but to wait and accumulate energy.
Bottom Line
Follow your heart and good fortune will follow.
Obstacles are present.  Wait and release stored energy only when an outlet appears.  
#25 indicates a time when one should embrace the unexpected and unpredictable with an attitude of spontaneity and unselfish innocence.   By following one’s childlike instincts in accordance with what is right and in harmony with the creative activity of Nature one may encounter unexpected positive outcomes.  Just go with the flow!

#26 indicates a time when a vast amount of potential energy has been accumulated and is available under the right circumstances to be released.  Obstacles and blockages may still hold back the release of these energies and one must be sensitive to the right timing and application of these energies to achieve greatness.  Accumulate power and wait for the right moment. 

#25 Wu Wang / Innocence – Heaven (Ch’ien) over Thunder (Chên)
#26 Ta Ch’u / Great Accumulation – Mountain (Kên) over Heaven (Ch’ien)