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Saturday, September 7, 2013

No War With Syria!

While I have my next installment of the I Ching series half completed and look forward to returning to that introspective frame of mind, the fact that President Obama is urging us into another military intervention in the Middle East compels me to speak out in opposition to an attack on Syria.

The Nation published an editorial in the 9/16/2013 issue with the same title I've borrowed here that speaks to the legal and humanitarian reasons for not getting involved in Syria (The Nation).  I urge you to read it and pass it on to others.

Listen too to Alan Grayson, Democrat from Florida who reminded us during an interview on CNN (9/7/2013) that the Syrian conflict is "evolving into a grudge match between crazy Sunni fundamentalists and crazy Shiite fundamentalists - a war that's been going on now for 1,300 years and we have no chance of ending..."  As I just discovered, he's been interviewed numerous times lately - one of which can be found here:  Alan Grayson

If you also believe that the U.S. should stay out of Syria, I encourage you to write to your representatives in Congress and to the President and voice your opinion.  It's never been easier to express your opinion than it is now - log in, Google your "who's my congressman" if you're unsure, enter your zip code, and you'll be able to send a brief email on foreign policy to express your opinion. You may also be interested in signing Alan Grayson's petition to that effect:  Don't Attack Syria.  Protests are being organized around the country - maybe you'll be part of today's march to the Capitol in D.C.? 

While the cynical among us will say that it doesn't matter what the people think when the stock price of Raytheon (maker of the Tomahawk cruise missile) jumps in response to a potential conflict (see: Raytheon stock), we can hope that our representatives in government will be as sensible as those in the British Parliament were when they rejected their Prime Minister's call for action against Syria.  But, if we don't speak up they won't hear us.

Unshutter your lantern and speak up for peace.