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Sunday, April 28, 2013

#35 Chin / Progress & #36 Ming I / Darkening of the Light

#35 Chin / Progress – Fire (Li) over Earth (K’un)
#36 Ming I / Darkening of the Light – Earth (K’un) over Fire (Li)

Fire over Earth over Fire...Theme:  A Time to Proceed – A Time to Step Back

#35 Chin
#36 Ming I
Darkening of the Light
The rising sun spreads its energy across the earth.
The sun’s light is obscured by the earth.
A wise leader makes progress in the company of helpers.
A dark entity has power over the wise and able thus causing them harm.
An enlightened individual benefits the entire society.
One is confronted with forces that threaten one’s convictions.
The rising sun emerges from darkness and casts its pristine light afar.
The sun’s light is temporarily hidden by the dark but never fails.
Join forces with others to achieve great things.
Let things pass – don’t challenge now – keep a low profile.
Monitor the needs of others, be supportive and communicative.  Foster altruistic motivations in dealing with both peers and those in authority.  
Appear to be agreeable with adversaries while hiding one’s true convictions.
The sun’s brightness expands gradually over a widening area.
Darkness hides the light, but its virtue isn’t snuffed out.
Progress is being made!
If one does not compete, the world cannot compete with him.  (Lao Tzu)
One’s altruistic behavior results in beneficent influence and spiritual growth.
By acknowledging evil as a natural component of life, one develops sound character.
The Lines
Top Line
Proceeding aggressively may be warranted, but not toward those with whom there is no close connection.
Bad times have consumed the good upon which they have thrived and must now, of necessity, give way to the light once more.
Continue in righteous progress – act with gentleness, reserve, and moderation.
When unable to combat and forced to tolerate extreme darkness, conceal true thoughts, redouble caution, and cling to the light within.
Progress is made but by dubious means that will be discovered.  Beware.
One achieves a clear understanding of the dire and hopeless situation.  Leave the scene before matters worsen.
Progress is made with the help of others – no regrets.
The light has a chance encounter with the dark and seizes control.  Changes must be made gradually.
Communication with one in authority is blocked.  Persevere and remain virtuous.
Although injured by the dark, one’s attention is on helping others which brings good fortune.
Bottom Line
Remain calm, perfect your work, and be generous when others lack confidence in your ability.
One attempts to rise above obstacles and encounters hostility.  One chooses to suffer rather than compromise principles.
The inverse hexagrams in this pair represent opposite situations.  In #35 - Chin, the light force is ascendant.  Like the sun’s rays spilling across the countryside that inevitably encounter shadow, those with pure intent who meet with rebuff should maintain a virtuous and high-minded sense of social progress.  By so doing, one will be supported by others and one’s example will be spread forth.  Just as the sun’s radiance chases shadows away, the brilliance of one’s mind and virtuous example enables one at this time to achieve great progress in inner development, have a positive influence on those in authority, and effect positive social change.

#36 Ming I, by contrast, characterizes a time when one’s inner light should be hidden.  This is a time when darkness is ascendant, times are hard, and one is not in a position of strength.  Rather than be swept up in the pervading dark energy, the I Ching councils that one should withdraw from the fray, bide one’s time, and maintain a gentle outward composure while nurturing one’s inner flame.  By hiding beliefs that are currently unpopular, one avoids aggression and evil finds no fuel.  In time, the dark will dissipate and one’s light will be appreciated as the cycle continues.        

#35 Chin / Progress

#36 Ming I / Darkening of the Light